Saturday, May 10, 2014

Introduction: Mina & Ashley

International Survival Guide to Cooking for the College Student 

 What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of college? Besides classes, late night study sessions and exams. To us its budgeting. Budgeting for an apartment (if you're lucky your university is giving you a place to live and you don't have to worry about this), budgeting for books and especially budgeting for food. In the beginning of our first year at uni we were occupied with getting settled in and took no notice to the amount of money we spent on food, at least until our bank accounts were maxed out for the month. With the weight piling on we realized that we needed to change our diet, it was then that we figured out that we could spend a whole lot less money if we were to eat healthy. It is known that eating clean helps curb hunger and promotes more healthy eating.

This guide promotes spending along the bare minimum to make healthy and delicious food. So come, take a journey with us on the road of clean eating and extra money to do with what you please. oh and we are going to post our super dope artwork on here too!


  1. Awesome girls!!! It is for me… I should focus on healthy food :))
    Check out my blog xoxo

  2. Awesome blog Daria! :) Well try some of our recipes, they are delicious ;)
    Check out our facebook page as well
